What We Do

Resume or Curriculum Vitae
This is generally the first contact with your potential employer. Alana will promote your uniqueness and highlight your skills and background in relation to the advertised position or company, in the ‘language’ of the field. This is your unique marketing tool and helps you to ‘sell yourself’ in a competitive environment.

Job Application Cover Letter & Selection Criteria
Alana’s vast experience in editing will ensure that your cover letter and/or selection criteria is written in accordance with the expectations of the employer. This may be a 1-page letter through to a longer document that addresses a list of selection criteria for a company or public service application. Some companies or government departments may also have a word limit or require a specific way of submitting your application that highlights your skills.

Editing of documents
We provide editing services in grammar, spelling, punctation, syntax and clarification of ideas. Documents may include a simple business proposal to your boss for a pay increase, through to editing of business plans, assignments, reports, policy and procedure manuals and job applications.

Business Profiles
We prepare the text for business profiles that many clients use for marketing their products and services from simple 1-page flyers through to comprehensive business summaries.

Letters for all occasions
Letter writing can include short and succinct messages, e.g. courteous job resignations, through to letters that explain, complain, inform, clarify, promote or request information or consideration, e.g. requesting cancellation of a traffic fine.

The Competitive Edge Series
Handbook No 1: How to Answer Common and Awkward Interview Questions
Handbook No 2: The Road to Somewhere: a Guide for School Leavers
Handbook No 3: Interview Questions for Teachers
Handbook No 4: Interview Questions for Managers
Handbook No 5: Interview Questions for Nurses
Handbook No 6: Interview Questions for the Hospitality/Tourism Industries
Handbook No 7: The Hidden Factors: Your Appearance and Body Language at the Interview
Two relevant handbooks are included in the ‘Anxiety-Free Interviews’ program or can be purchased separately.
All Handbooks are $16.50 each.